Why pay more to trainees, inexperience instructor ?
When you can have expert and experience instructor for almost same price.
Why pay more for big Brand names?
When you can have your own personal instructor, at a highly competitive price.
Why pay more to big brand names who boast that they are nationwide and have 100s of instructors.
When you need only one expert, who will keep a record of your successes, an expert in local knowledge and local test centre.
Why pay more to the instructors who work for big schools that got no interest in your successes as they are only concern about them self and also they might leave the school.
When you get a driving school, which has been established over 30 years, as we say your successes is our business, because of this we been in business for last 30 years.
Our lessons start at £40 an hour, but we have SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFERS.
You SAVE £5 PER LESSON IF BOOK 10 LESSONS. So CONTACT US and find out more. You Get in Contact.